I wasn’t the kid she grew up with anymore. I wasn’t her first kiss. Now, I was the enemy...
Perceive, Book Four in The Vindicated Series by Authors KE Osborn and Addison Jane is AVAILABLE NOW!
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• • • ABOUT THE BOOK • • •
Trust, loyalty, respect—that was what Malice MC stood for. The club was my family, a group of hard men who believed in brotherhood above everything else.
I found my best friend there.
Fell in love there.
And it was there I lost everything.
I gave it all up to find her, stared death in the face more times than I could count, for even just the slightest chance she was still out there. Finding her consumed me, and after six long years, she was finally back within my reach.
I thought getting her back meant feeling whole again, but I was wrong. The beautiful, fierce young woman I knew was gone.
I wasn’t the kid she grew up with anymore.
I wasn’t her first kiss.
Now, I was the enemy.